Your Local Glazing Company in Hayes

We know just how expensive new windows can be. We also know how inconvenient a broken window or door is, especially when it comes to security measures. 1st Double Glazing Doctor is your trusty double glazing repair company based in Hayes and servicing Middlesex. It’s our mission to provide you with cost-effective and quality repairs whenever you need them. Our range of services include:

  • Replacement glass sealed units
  • Door and window repairs
  • Lock repairs
  • Tilt & Turn/Slide repairs

We are well prepared for even the oddest of issues and no job is too small for us.

A Reputation for Quality Replacement Windows

With over 20 years of experience in the business, 1st Double Glazing Doctor is your go-to  professionals for all double glazing repairs. When you call on us, you can count on dedicated workmanship, quality parts and competitive rates. We are proud of our long list of satisfied customers who continue to use us as their go-to double glazing repair company.

We’re Ready to Handle All Types of Issues

Based in Hayes and servicing Middlesex, we are ready and willing to deal with all types of issues on the spot, including all types of locking mechanisms on doors and windows. Whether your doors and windows have dropped or your locks have been broken, get in touch with us for great service and flexibility

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Need help with broken windows or unhinged doors? Give us a call today on 07710 208 400 or 0800 00 44 22